
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I've Been Interviewed!

Want to get to know me better?  Sure you do! 

The Not So Functional Housewife
I have been interviewed by Angela over at The Not So Functional Housewife!  I feel like such a star!

I invite you to head over to Angela's blog here to see her beautiful write up about Think Smink on Etsy, the blog, and what makes me tick!  Share in the craziness why don't ya?

Wanna see a little teaser?

...A bit of advice, from Kim, to those that would like to venture into selling their handmade items is... "Get busy! Get your name out there! Talk with others who craft and sell! The best source of knowledge is to learn from those who are successful in what you want to do. Most importantly, do not give up on your dreams! If you feel that you are using your God given talents in the most productive way that you can, how can your dream eventually not come true?" ... (head to The Not So Functional Housewife to read more!)

Just a few reminders before you go:

*  December 1st starts the 25 Days of Christmas Blogshare I am participating in conjuction with Parga's Junkyard and 23 other fabulous bloggers.   Be sure to follow along so you don't miss a thing!

Participating in Christmas Blogshare!

*  Awesome Inspirations Link Pary starts tomorrow morning.  I have a present for you so don't forget to come over!

1 comment:

  1. It's my pleasure to have the opportunity to share this wonderful ladies story! Kim, you are a star!

    Thank you for sharing the post on your blog! :)



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