
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Awesome Inspirations by You #2 & A Giveaway too!

Welcome back to another Awesome Inspirations linkie!  I am so grateful for those who came last week and joined the party.  If you missed the any of the features, check them out here!  If you were featured for your awesomeness, please take a button and place on your blog (if you wish).  The button with code is finally here!


If you haven't realized it yet {cause your too busy crafting and shopping like me} tomorrow is the First Day of December!  This, my friend is my absolute favorite time of year!  Yes, we do believe in Santa here... even my 15 year old whole-heartedly believes in that mysterious bearded man who distributes gifts under the tree (not so much the little man who's 10, but he plays along)!  I have tried to teach them that we give gifts to others to celebrate the birth of Jesus just as the Wise Men presented gifts to Him.  Tis the season to give, share, and rejoice in our Lord's name.

In the spirit of giving, I have a little giveaway for Tiaras & Bowties Readers for the next 4 weeks.
Just a little token of my appreciation for you just being there!

This Weeks giveaway contains a multitude (40+ items) of Crafting Papers, sticker sets, velum & paper sets to use in card making, scrapbooking, or general paper crafting.  I do not have an exact value of the worth of the package but will estimate it to be around $50 worth (or more) of fun!  There are Christmas, fall, back to school, animals, birthday, spring and so many more themes included in the package to celebrate your memories the whole year thru!  I am also including a little handpainted trinket from myself to you, but shhhh that's a suprise!

All I ask is that you are a follower of Tiaras and Bowties & leave me a comment below.  That's it.  You don't have to do tricks, no standing on your head, no backbends, no blowing bubbles... just be a follower and leave a comment below.  I'd love for you to join our party but it's not required!

Linkie Party Rules, you know the deal... there are always a few rules, but we will try to keep them simple!

*Link up your awesomeness! Show us what you've been working on this week! Anything goes really (please no links to other giveaways, link parties or etsy shops). Link directly to your post you'd like to share - not just your home page. No limits, just keep it fresh and family friendly!
*I would love it if you FollowedTiaras and Bowties GFC or via FB but I am not requiring it! I love making new friends, follow T&B because you want to not because you have to! No pressure here! Following does have it's advantages... you'd be one of the first to know about next weeks links and features and all the craftiness going on around here. I don't always know where I'm headed but we should have some fun on the way!
*Link back to Tiaras and Bowties... a text link somewhere in your post is fine. I'd love for you to grab a button and place it somewhere within your post or sidebar.

* Please Please Please visit another link or two. We all love to share and get feedback. Most of us blog for comments, so make someone's day with a nice comment! Heck! You might just make a few wonderful friends along the way!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I've Been Interviewed!

Want to get to know me better?  Sure you do! 

The Not So Functional Housewife
I have been interviewed by Angela over at The Not So Functional Housewife!  I feel like such a star!

I invite you to head over to Angela's blog here to see her beautiful write up about Think Smink on Etsy, the blog, and what makes me tick!  Share in the craziness why don't ya?

Wanna see a little teaser?

...A bit of advice, from Kim, to those that would like to venture into selling their handmade items is... "Get busy! Get your name out there! Talk with others who craft and sell! The best source of knowledge is to learn from those who are successful in what you want to do. Most importantly, do not give up on your dreams! If you feel that you are using your God given talents in the most productive way that you can, how can your dream eventually not come true?" ... (head to The Not So Functional Housewife to read more!)

Just a few reminders before you go:

*  December 1st starts the 25 Days of Christmas Blogshare I am participating in conjuction with Parga's Junkyard and 23 other fabulous bloggers.   Be sure to follow along so you don't miss a thing!

Participating in Christmas Blogshare!

*  Awesome Inspirations Link Pary starts tomorrow morning.  I have a present for you so don't forget to come over!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Awesome Inspirations by You Party & Features & a Winner {ThirtyOne Gifts}

A gracious "Thank You" to all of you who participated in the first ever link party here at Tiaras and Bowties!  Awesome Inspirations by You was in my book, well... pretty awesome!  Our first link up ran a bit over a week and a half and had 19 wonderful submissions.  I can only pray you all stop back this Wednesday and link your awesomeness with us again so that we can be inspired the whole month of December and beyond!

feel free to grab a button!
{just right click & save for now, til I get the code up!}

Here are some of my favs as well as the most clicked link {in no particular order}!  If you haven't already, be sure to swing by their blogs and spread some comment cheer!

The Ferile Turtle shared her homemade linen spray with us.

Why Cuz I Can inspired us with her fabulous French Locksmith Pillow!
{I love the look and want one or two!}

Who New Creations shared her awesome Eddie in Watercolor!
{luv me some paint projects!}

Crayon Freckles has bought boy crafting outta the bag, with her canvas tool bag!
{the world needs more boy crafts!}

Isa from The M Chart created this gorgeous Christmas Wreath.

Awesome Inspirations by You will go 'live' each and every Wednesday on T&B Think Smink.  I know that we are in one of the busiest times of the year and the fact that there are so many fab link parties out there to choose from; which is why I am so grateful for ALL of you who choose to link up with me! 

And now for the moment I know I have been waiting for!  Who is taking that fabulous $50 gift credit to Thirty One Gifts?   Drum Roll please....

Schkinner   {chosen at}

Schkinner said...
I like the Retro Metro bag in Mod Dot! Thanks for the chance. :)
schkinner at yahoo dot com

Congrats and Happy Shopping!  Your contact information will be given to Kristin @ Thirty One Gifts so you can go ahead and claim your prize!

Those of you who entered but did not win... all is not lost!  Kristin has some pretty awesome customer deals going on this month!  Visit her Thirty One Gift page here to order yourself some pretties in time for Christmas!

Don't forget to mark you calander or follow T&B Think Smink because you will not want to miss a single day of The 25 Days of Christmas Blogshare beginning Dec. 1st. 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

25 Days of Christmas Blogshare Begins December 1st!

Participating in Christmas Blogshare!

Love it!
I just love Christmas.

Beginning December 1st, join me here on the ole blog for a 25 Days of Christmas Blogshare!

Sonya from Pargas Junkyard the creator of the Blogshare, 
Me, here at T&B Think Smink  (I'm the twelfth day of Christmas Woo Hoo!),
 and 23 other amazing bloggers
are joining forces to bring you the ultimate in Holiday goodness.

There will be recipes, gift ideas, tutes, stories, stocking stuffer ideas and much more!

Be sure to come over everyday in December, beginning December 1st.  If you are not a follower of Tiaras, then go on and push that follow button up there so you don't miss a thing!  New friends are the greatest blessings any time of the year...

December Blogshare LineUp!
{Click the Blog name to head over!}
16. Clipper Girls Saving Spot
17. Childhood Myths

*Updates made to this list 11/29/11

I am so excited to get sharing with you all!  Special "Thanks" to Sonya @ Parga's Junkyard to getting everything togeather!

Friday, November 25, 2011

A Veggie Turkey & A Recipe idea using those leftovers!

Our family gathering for Thanksgiving dinner was one of the best in years.
I truely hope your family enjoyed the holiday as well!

My sister & her hubs hosted our dinner this year and with 27 guests that was no easy task.
We're talking 3 (yes 3) deep fried turkeys (yummmy) with all the fixins.

I was asked to bring some pre-dinner finger foods and the veggie tray.
But, if you know me then you know any old veggie tray just won't do!

 Mom always told me not to play with my food... good thing I never listened!

 He took me about 2 hours including slice & chop time!

With the help of a few kaboob sticks and a cream cheese body...this little Tommy took center stage!

One of the pre-dinner grazing tables... homemade potato soup, chips & salsa dip, veggies, Oh My!
The dinner table tables ran the entire span of two rooms!
My stomach is still full from dinner & pie!

My favorite part of the day was actually going around the table with all the guests to hear what each person was thankful for, and I admit it was kind of funny to watch some people squirm at the thought!

Returning home last night after a spendid day out brought blessings of it's own!  My puppy babies missed us so!  Matter of fact my little Ortie Bo Bo is actually sitting on my shoulder right now as I write on the laptop!

He is making sure I do not get away from him today! I just love puppy hugs!


What are you going to do with all of that turkey sitting left over in your fridge?
Sure,  I know... same ole same old... turkey salad, hot & cold turkey sandwiches, turkey noodle soup?
I have a quick little recipe for you to try that my family enjoys every year!

The Turkey Croquette! 

Gather up your leftover turkey and stuffing, (you'll need that too)  some bread crumbs and an egg or two.  You'll need a frying pan and oil, a deep fryer or just bake them in the oven! 
(they taste so much better in a fryer...I never said it would be healthy!)
Just a note, chicken works wonderfully here as well! There are no set portions on the ingrediant list, use as much or as little as you need to feed your family!

1. Chop or shred up that left over turkey; white and dark meat, as if you are making a salad.

2.  Mix in an equal portion of your left over stuffing or dressing (call it what you will!)  Now, just mush it all togeater as if you are making a meatball or meatloaf mix.  Add a bit of water if needed.

3.  Scoop up little balls of the poulty mixture (as if making meatballs)... some meatballs are small, some make them a bit bigger  It's what you are used to... just have at it.

4.  Set all of the turkey croquettes aside while you whip your egg mixture.  Place your breadcrumbs in a bowl or dish.  Roll each ball into the egg mixture then roll in the breadcrumbs to cover.  Set them aside lined up on a plate or piece of parchment.

5.  If using a fryer (my chosen method) make sure your oil is heated to 350*.  Drop them (carefully) into the hot oil and fry for about 5-6 minutes.  They should all be a beautiful golden brown color.
If you are using your oven,  place them on a baking dish and heat in the oven until they are golden brown.  Remember,  your ingredients are already fully cooked (except the egg) and heating them to a nice toasty temp is all that is required!

6.  Serve on a bed of whipped potatoes and top each with a smidge of gravy (also left over from turkey day)!  Since this is quite a carbo loaded meal... a nice green salad or a side of veggies would be nice!

Oh,  if you have some leftover cranberry... go ahead and put some of that on there too!

Linking up here:
Tuesdays Photobucket>Tip Junkie handmade projectsTodays Creative Blog Wednesdays lil luna link party button Thursdays PhotobucketPhotobucket Fridays Photobucket Saturday & Sunday Link PartyFunky Junk's Sat Nite SpecialCherished Treasures”=UndertheTableandDreamingBWS tips button