
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Escape From Reality

In an attempt to escape from the reality of which is my life, I have entered the enchanting world of Layla Grace.  I (believe it or not) have never actually taken the time to actually look at the website although I have heard of it.  Let me tell you,  I am in utter love!  Finally, I have found furniture and accessories which move me and excite me.  With every click of the mouse I fall deeper in love. 

Now, all I need are a few thousand dollars and I'm set.

  Or perhaps a few yard sale finds in which I can attempt (dare I say it) to achieve the look!

so beautiful!

I'm really not the 'floral' type, but I really am attracted to these.

love the birds

Love the handpainted leaves and birds!
The birds on these two pieces are very pretty and bring a relaxing nature vibe into a room.

LUV the color and the scroll work.  This is me!
This one is me all the way.  I admit my taste tends toward the ornate and perhaps even gaudy!
I'm telling you I must have been a princess in a past life, it reminds me of an old castle.

Finally, the inspiration I need combining aqua and rust shades!
This one is so not me but I am drawn to the vibrant colors.


soothing and graceful

Layla Grace has not approached me to write this post.
I have not been offered any compensation for writing this post.
No free furniture or accessories have been sent my way.

Hee Heee!
But, let me tell ya... I wouldn't mind if they did!

I needed to just dumb out tonight and browse (and not feel guilty for it).
Stress stinks.

I have not had a chance to breath recently between my Mom's Doctors appointments and tests and it will not be slowing down any time soon.  Alexis sees her kidney doctor tomorrow and has an ultrasound to check the health of the kidneys.  We need to stop for blood work while we are there as well to check a few things.  Hubby is busy working on the bath at Mom's house, I'll have another update on it soon.


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