
Monday, October 17, 2011

Creepy Photo

I am taking a break from face painting today to share a quick Halloween decor item.
Yep, quick and easy, that's my game this month.
(I'll be back real soon to update you on my crazy life)

The kids and I crafted this wooden eyeball frame.  Different variations of this are all over blogland and are extremely easy to make.  We simply painted it purple and glued gOOgle eyes and ribbon on.

After a few days of frustration thought as to what to put IN the frame...
a saying or a photo
which saying?
what photo?

I was thrilled to stop in the local Dollar Tree and find a few Lenticular Photos on the shelf.
I've always thought lenticular photos were so cool, the way they change with your viewing angle!

You can almost see the facial features changing in the photo above...
I just cut the photo from the plastic frame and trimmed to fit into our eyeball frame.


Nice distinguished looking gentleman in a suit, displayed in our cutesy Halloween frame.

OOOOh, creepy skeleton faced creature from the other angle in our cutesy frame.

Positioned ever so sweetly on the back of our toilet.

YES, I said toilet.

Where else would I put this strange jeeper creeper to spook my family and anyone else brave enough to enter?

Linking to some wonderful blog parties listed in my footer!

1 comment:

  1. The eye balls are great! Love it. I would love for you to show this off at my Wickedly Crafty Saturdays! Link is still open.


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