
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Stashbusting September Challenge

Are you up for a challenge?  I'm signing up with Pinkapotamus and T-Shirt Diaries this September to
my CrAFt StAsH!

My crap craft stash is starting to take on a life of it's own!
My craftastic To Do list is more than a mile long, not to mention all the money spent for the craft of the moment supplies... which I never seem to get a moment to do!
Now is the time!  Hop on over to T-Shirt Diaries or Pinkapotomous and join the challenge with me!

Some of the Rules:
Stashbusting September blogs are voluntarily giving up buying crafting supplies for the month of September. They promise to:
Link your blog (the main page please not an individual post) to the linky here or here. The linky will be open until September 3th at Midnight.
Craft for personal use only with items they have on hand. No buying new craft supplies, even if you are shopping at Goodwill or garage sales. It is all about busting your craft supply at hand and actually doing those projects you bought all the stash for in the first place. (Buying craft supplies for business use IS permitted)
Think of unique and creative ways to use items they were thinking of throwing out (diaper boxes to fabric covered storage bins, pencil holders from soup cans, upcycled clothing, etc.) Think outside of the box.
Try to make at least one upcycled craft item this month. Upcycled craft items from Stashbusting September can be entered into the Stashbusting contest for a rocking prize from our top secret for now, sponsor.
Proudly post the Stashbusting September button on their website so everyone knows they are busting some stash.
Check back to find out other blogs that are busting some stash.
 To be entered in the Stashbusting September contest (the link will be up September 1st) you must link your project up to the Stashbusting September link.

What are you waiting for?   Head over and sign up... join me in this challenge.  Hopefully the craft stores won't go bankrupt losing my business for just one month! 

Much love & Keep Thinkin Smink



  1. Thanks so much for boosting the cause of Stashbusting September! Love you blog.. and I can't wait to see what you come up with with your stash.. so I am your newest follower!

  2. what a fun idea!!! gonna have to do some digging!

  3. Wow! Can't wait to see your creativity!

  4. Oh my goodnes, Kim... that's is a challenge and sounds like so much fun. I have tons of craft supplies that were intended for one project or another that is still unused.

    One day, I will get to them.

    Best of luck and hope you have a blast with this challenge. I can't wait to see what you come up with.

  5. Good luck! I need to spend time locked in my sewing room with my stash of fabric :).


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