
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Party Banner Bunting

What's this? Another post from T&B in like how many days in a row?  Really?  Shut The FroNT DooR!

Well, I DID kinda tell ya I'd be coming back FuLL FoRcE...remember?  Man that depression really kicked my bumm, but lots of loose ends are being wrapped up as we speak and I'm charging toward the future like the little engine that could!

I want you to be a part of it... I need PrinCeSSes to wear a tiara for the day on Tiaras & Bowties.  Find out the details here.  It's a win win for everyone really!

So much to do so little time, I have so many new ideas... but not usually enough time in the day to get to them.  Last night I was playing with a length of scrap canvas wondering what I could do with it (the hoarder in me doesn't like to trow anything away),  I came up with the idea to make a  canvas Banner Bunting.  I so adore these for parties and have been wanting to experiment with my own: perhaps list a few in my Etsy Shop

First I cut the scrap lenth of canvas into triangles about 8 inches wide.  Then picked a few cute colors to experiment with.  I painted two plaid-ish triangles with the pink, white, lime green and spa blue, then two trianges with a Mod Retro-ish polka dot.

I wanted to do the center piece with something a bit generic.
My Teddy Bear would work perfectly for baby showers, birthday parties...
I luv him, looks so cuddly sitting there surrounded by conffetti and holding his own banner!

Each triangle was cut and threaded onto a satin ribbon where they can be adjusted to fit any length.
They are interchangeable.
Extra triangles can be added with a name, saying, more faux fabric patterns or
even a few extra bears in different poses!

Canvas has it's benefits too!

I doesn't rip like paper,
colors will not run if it gets a bit wet or damp,
Unlike fabric banners, it will not fade in the sun either!

These canvas banners allow you to get the most bang for your buck since they will last for years to come.  When your little one's next party comes around, simply reorder a new triangle to fit the new theme!  As always with Think Smink Art...imagination is the only limit!

Have a custom banner created especially for your next GaLa!

Keep Calm
Party On!

Yes, we will be showing up to party with these fine blogs here!


  1. Hello! So happy to see you are in such great spirits! That's a great banner too. I've been "thinking Smink" but haven't been blogging too much lately, but I saw your new post so I wanted to visit and say hi! Have a great weekend.

  2. Hi! Your blog is simply awesome and I just send you an award for it! Check it out at

  3. What a cheerful bunting. If you get a chance I would love you to link your bunting up to More the Merrier Monday. It lasts through Wednesday so you have plenty of time to stop by. See you there.

  4. so cute and fun! you're gonna link this up to my party right? i can't have a party w/o my bloggie bestie! may take you up on the princess thing once i get more photos added to my etsy shop :)

  5. Thanks for linking this up to my Wickedly Crafty Saturdays! You were featured! Poof on over & grab a "featured" button! Get ready to show me some more wickedly awesome stuff!

  6. What a sweet banner! Thanks for linking to the Tuesday To Do Party!

  7. I like the little bunny. It's so cute :)

    We have a link-up party going on - Tea Time Thursdays @ Kreative Korner. I would really appreciate if you'd link up some of your awesome posts there. Hope to see you at the party.


I love to hear what you have to say! I try very hard to respond to each and every comment you leave!