
Saturday, August 20, 2011


Recently, I had the opportunity to take a young girls favorite hand drawn image and transform it into a custom canvas for her room. 
Mom gave me complete artistic freedom with the peice. 

(which is fun but a bit scary at the same time)

After drawing the image as closely as possible to canvas with pencil I set out to recreate it as closely as possible.
Layer upon layer of inky black paint created all of the shading in the heart and the wings.

Although the original was all gray scale, I felt it needed a "pop".

Kind of like Tatoo Art!
So washes of crimson red were layered upon the heart.

Finally, The whole peice was lined with solid black, scrolls and dots were added, along with some solid white highlights!

Soon after, I received an email and photo from the little artist!
Holding her canvas and smiling!

That is why I do what I do... there is absolutely nothing that beats the smile of a happy child (or tween in this case)!

I know that my painting will not end world hunger or take away all the bad in the world... c'mon don't be silly!
if what I can do with a paint brush and some paint can make a child feel special for a moment, it's all so worth it!

Linkin up with these wonderful Blog Parties!


  1. I love this tattoo art. THe detail around the heart and the shading in the heart is beautiful.


  2. Looks great! I was nominated the butterfly award at the same time as you! I am now google following you. Please pop by, Karima x

  3. Very sweet, and to make a child feel special is worth more than many things!

    Visiting from Cherished Treasure Sunday Blog Love Linky Party,

    ~Suzanne in Illinois

  4. Very nice job. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Really appreciate you linking up this fantastic post at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop. Hope you'll continually share your creativity with us at the weekly party :)

  6. Wow, it really does look like a tatoo! And I love the pop of color on the heart.

  7. how did i miss this post? and yes, she loves it sooooo much!

  8. How pretty! This is a great idea for displaying any image a child or adult loves! Thank you so much for linking up at Savvy HomeMade Monday! We are partying again now and I hope to see you again soon! :)


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