
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

summer smells

Having both children home today due to tummy trouble has thrown me off a bit from my scheduling and organizing goal.  Had a chance this afternoon to pop out to the local fruit stand.  I've been craving watermelon and since I started following Weight Watchers last week I figured I really should get some food in the house I was actually supposed to eat.  This first week hasn't been as easy as I remembered it being a year and a half ago when I tried it...
I can't even describe how good it all smells!  Lemons, apples, cherries, Georgia cantelope, strawberries, raspeberries...& more!

I even decided to just go fancy schmancy and use my crystal two tiered platter I picked up last week for an itty bitty $5.00

It all really really looks and smells so fresh!  Look who followed me home from the produce store!  I've been looking for some cute little birds all stinkin spring too.

I even grabbed a Gardenia Tree while there for on $15.  I think that was a pretty good price and it's got tons of buds ready to pop!  I am imagining long sultry evenings in the back yard by candlelight, the sweet scent of those Gardenias perfuming the air, sipping on iced tea or even a mojito made with the fresh sweet mint I planted...

...I'm back, and YES I snapped out of it!

It does sound good though...ya gotta admit!

The Hubster even planted my tomato plants in the rain this afternoon.  God bless him...poor thing!  Planted Big Boys, Better Boys and a Lemon Tomato (yellow & less acid).  We're putting in pole snap beans too!  I want them to climb all over that fence out there to create a bit of privacy.

So dinner was a mix of left overs from the last two days.  Alexis and I had stuffed chicken,  Hubster having meatloaf and potatoes,  Austin my dear had a Hot Dog.  I made this stuffed chicken on Sunday and it came out really tastey!  I stuffed it with saute'd spinich and garlic added fresh rosemary sprigs on top and baked.  Just before coming out of the oven I topped each peace with a tiny sliver of hot pepper jack cheese!  Yummmm... Low in points and calories too!

What gets you in mood for summer... what are your favorite sites and smells of the season?


  1. All that fruit looks Yummy! I agree nothing like the smell of fresh summer fruits.

  2. Love strawberries and strawberry pie! Have a recipe on my blog if you need one! Hope the kids are feeling better.

  3. Love this post! I don't know what to comment on first... The fruit looks great - I should follow your lead and eat more myself! And your food looks delicious!! --I'd go for your meal, rather than the fruit. ;) -- and that is a beautiful tree, with a great price! I wish I was there with you and your family on your sultry evening... it will be so pretty and peaceful!

  4. P.S. I forgot! Love the new birds you purchased too and LOVE that bird/twig style candle holder!!! I would also love to put some mayonnaise on those delicious looking tomatoes. ;) Guess I will never be thin...

  5. that fruit looks sooo good! i'm a strawberry girl myself. the other thing i love about spring? lilacs. or "yi-yawks" as Little man calls them :P hope your kiddos are feeling better. blessings, andiejaye

  6. I need to up the boys eat them all before I get to them. I do have a banana every day!

  7. mmmm spinach and garlic...I always stuff my chicken with ham and cheese. Definitely trying your recipe tomorrow!!!


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