
Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Redbook Party!

Weight Watcher's week one is now over!  I followed the plan to the best of my ability, it was hard but I pulled through it!  I was pretty happy to find that I'd lost 4.4 pounds on my first weigh in.  I have to admit,  I kinda wished it had been more but I'll own it! Yeah ME!

The best thing is that I feel pretty darn good!  Maybe it's all that fruit but I'm sure loving the increased energy!   Finally made myself get down and add a few (hundred) more staples to my bench.  I finally found some trim I like for it and I think maybe I'm going to tweak the paint just a bit on it.

 That's Stasha the wonder dog.  She's my 12 yr old American Eskimo AKA Spitz.  She's the best craftin' buddy there ever was BuT she just happens to dislike hate the PoP of the staple gun...and let's me know about it...with each and every PoP!

I have a client who wants two nightstands for a bedroom so I managed to sneak out to 'shop'.  These babies are coming home with me!  They may not be what the client needs but they are certainly what I like!  The color...unfortunately...has got to go!  Solid wood and really nice detail.  I want to start these like now!

This fabulous popcorn truck was outside of the re purpose shop today... so FaB!  Last week she had the Calliope with the pipe organ that pulls this.  Reminds me of an old fashioned carnivale. I want this by the way...I don't know what I'd do with it, but...

Got started on that $25 tile top table I got at a yard sale a few weeks ago!  Hubs actually came in just in time to takeover for me...
These tiles are so bad... but I actually felt bad ripping and breaking those tiles off when I read the back of them.  They were apparently terra cotta tiles made in Italy with the layer of ceramic on top.  They were NoT made in China (no offense China) where just about everything else is made.  I just love Italy (and cutie Italian gents- don't tell hubster) so that just made me feel a bit bad to demolish them.  This baby will be done in steps,  I'll show you in a detailed post at end or perhaps in increments.  So excited to start this one...I have plans that will shut the Debbie Downers DOWN!

It's generally been a 'good' day!  A few minutes ago I found out that I have been chosen to host a House Party...sponsored by Redbook Magazine!  The party pack will arrive here in a few weeks.  I'll share more detail in a future post with you.  I can't wait!  Good food, Great friends, yummy drinks and FreeBies...what more could a girl ask for?
REDBOOK Happy Hour House Party™
A House Party is thousands of parties across the country, hosted by people like you. Each event is sponsored by a leading brand and focuses on something cool that the sponsor wants its best fans to experience firsthand and share with their friends.

House Party

I signed up here at house party a while back and this was one of the parties that interested me. 
 Still a bit shocked that I was chosen as a Hostess! 


  1. Wow, you've been busy! I like those pink tables though!! Too bad you will be painting them. And your "Party" sounds great! I'm going to have to click on that link you gave to maybe sign up for one myself one day! Make sure you take lots of pics to show us the party! :)

  2. Somedays I just don't know how you do it all! Love those nightstands and agree that color has to go can't wait to see what you do with them!

  3. wow! that's cool. i didn't know that magazines did things like that. you'll have to show us pictures. and what a good start to your journey at WW. that's a great loss for you first week. sounds like you're busy with lots of refinishing. i do love those nightstands. we don't have many places around here where you can find quality re-usable furniture. can't wait to see what you turn them into. :) andiejaye @ crayonfreckles


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