
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Blessed Beyond Belief

Wow, Wow, Wow...What an utterly fast, frenzied, amazing Mother's Day Weekend it's been.   I just want you all to know that I have read and tried to respond to every comment and email you've sent.  I've tried to keep up on that quickly rising follower count over there!  If I haven't reponded to you personally,  I'm sorry, just give me a bit.  It's been crazy in this Sminkey house lately.  I will get to each and every one of you! 

Wanted to share how utterly amazed I am at how much attention has been given to Alexis and her dress upcycle!  Imagine...over 1,000 hits on that one post alone! WoW again and again...I'm speechless and believe me that doesn't happen much. 

I'm sure it's Alexis, not so much the dress that's created all the buzz...she sorta has that effect on people.  Everyone who knows her luvs her...   I'm thrilled to see this:

at Homemaker on a Dime.

Such sweet words, actually made me cry!

Favorite BlogYou clicked, inlinkz tallied. The readers' favorite blog this past week out of 190 links, being the most viewed post, is no other than Kim from Tiaras and Bowties for her Formal Dress Re-Cycle. She made a formal dress for her God-sent angel, Alexis, out of a $6-thrift store dress. I have a theory why this is the overwhelmingly most-clicked linked in the history of this blog party, aside from the fact that it is such a cute dress. My theory is that we, as mothers, truly believe in miracles, and that we rally on those who come through challenges stronger and better. Thanks for this inspiring and heart-warming post, Kim!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart SJ! 
 Then I came across this:

Kim from Kim's Kandy Kreations had this to say!

Think Smink who shared her Dress Re-cycle for her daughter's big dance.
It's amazing what we go through for our children...and Kim really put her heart, soul, and time into this beautiful redo.  I am the worst seamstress EVER, so the fact that she completely ripped this dress apart and got it back together again really amazes and impresses me!  I would never have the courage to take that dress apart.  But the final dress is almost as beautiful as this sweet girl!

and to top it off, I won this from Kim!

Then, I realized I'd been given this Award from Andie Jay!

If there's a limit to the use of the word "WOW" in blogland, I'm sure I've went over tonight!  I wanted to thank all of you wonderful ladies.  Please be sure to stop over at their blogs too,  Some great stuff over there and some of the best link parties to boot!

So, now the pressure is ON!  I don't wanna be a 'one hit wonder' here in blogland, so I better get a crack a lackin!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats again to you! Hope this made your mothers day all the more sweet! You deserve it!


I love to hear what you have to say! I try very hard to respond to each and every comment you leave!