
Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day Everyone!

Did you get your FREE tree from Lowe's today?
I haven't gotten out yet
so I hope I can get there in time!

Lowe's Is Celebrating Earth Day by Giving Away a Million Trees

I'm not being paid to tell you about this...
just sharin' a darn good deal with friends!

So what are you doing to celebrate Mother Earth?
Pledge to recycle?
Switch to Green Cleaners in your home?
I have!

Wanted to share a few little things with you today in honor of our wonderful planet and some great ideas to get started!

I visited My Dear Trash earlier,  Kelly and Laura have a wonderful blog just chock full of great ideas...
My favorite kind of ideas...trash to treasure!
Very inspiring for those of us who are thrifting and buying 2nd had to keep useable & beautiful items out of our landfills!
They are holding a Link Party to showcase Earth Day
go see!  I have.

Stop over and take the Earth Day Pledge
Here's a sneak peek at My Dear Trash
Amazing patio set from a thrift store!  I am sooo jealous of this find!

Go see how those ladies turn trash to cash!
Enough cash to go on vacation...

They really are inspiring!

So for Earth Day, I am going to continue to switch to all green cleaners for my home & enviornment.  Really try to recycle my garbage and continue to buy 2nd hand whenever I can!

I'll continue to share my treasure makeovers with you here on
Tiaras and Bowties!

WaRNinG:  if you see some crazy person rooting thru your trash tonight...don't be alarmed, it's probably just me!

Can you feel my excitement?  Halfway to the big five O.  That's 50 followers now...
as of now, I'm at 25!
Get ready for a giveaway worth $50.00!
Can you say custom handpainted?
Just hit that little follow button over there!
My 1st 50 followers over there will be entered into the
Fab 50 giveaway!
(along with any others who may just hit that button in time!)
You do not have to have a blog to follow!
Just a Google friends account!

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