
Monday, April 4, 2011

Crapola...AND a GiVeaWay!!!

 So, I've just finished cleaning my bathroom and sweeping my carpeted steps.  Yes, you heard correctly...I swept my steps.

I've been a bit of a slacker since the dreaded 'car accident' last May and have had to rely on my dear 'Schmoo' (that's the hubster Jim) to do ALOT of the physical chores around here since then.  I really appreciate all he do I put this...well...ya see, he's kind of a shover of stuff more than a 'cleaner'.

Stasha, the hair culprit. (pardon the risque pose please)
It's beyond me really how one can trek up and down the same set of stairs millions okay, hundreds of times a day and not really look down to see... the disgusting layer of dog and (camera shy) cat hair that has accumulated there.  Now before you go judging me... YES, those stairs have been vacuumed a few times this last year!  Just not like I would have done it.

Since I still can't lug the big ole monster vac up and down those stairs,  I swept my way down from the bathroom.  And Oh my gosh... I can't believe the crap that came off.  I feel so much better about the house now...(allergy attack coming, taking antihistamine as we speak)

And yes this story has a me, anyway.

As I was sweeping, of course I was thinking.  Scary thought if I do say so but...
 Getting rid of this barely visible layer of crud is kind of what I'm trying to do with myself.  Kind of shedding the negative cruddy stuff that's been bogging me down for over a year now!  Getting rid of the old way of thinking and adopting a fresh and pure outlook. 
It's time for the self doubt and negative thoughts to go.  Right out to the garbage with the crapola from the stairs. 

SO, imagine my extreme joy if you will when I sat here to take a quick 5 min break from the housework and noticed I had a new follower!  Yippee!  Now I know you all can remember this joy when your blog was in it's baby stages!  It really warms the heart!  The power of positive thinking!

So, without delay please take a moment to meet my new friend,

Carrie from fine & HandyFine and Handy

Carrie is wonderfully talented with a beautiful blog.  She is very creative and likes to take bargains and even junk...presto chango... and turns them into amazing items!  Her family is her biggest inspiration... my new friend and I have a few things in common.  I'm sure you'll be happy you stopped over to say Hello to Carrie at fine &

I'd luv to have this in my home!

See what she made for her sister who is fighting breast cancer!

Why don't you head on over there and check things out!
She has just posted a giveaway!  Who wouldn't want to win a $30.00 Home Depot Card.  So, what are you waiting for... get on over there.
Don't forget to let her know I sent ya!

Anyway, I'll be back in a bit to share a DIY project.  I'd really LUV LUV LUV it if you could leave me a little comment to let me know you've been here.  If you like what you've seen so far- or want to see what craziness happens next then go ahead & hit that little follow button over there as well, I'll return the favor!


  1. I love Carrie blog I have been follower her for a few weeks. She does the neatest things with old treasures! I was so touched by the flowers she and the kids made for her sister. Love your blog too! Blessings, Vicky

  2. Hi Kim-

    You've got such a cute blog here! I am in total awe of anyone who can draw and hand paint like you!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm your newest follower :)



I love to hear what you have to say! I try very hard to respond to each and every comment you leave!