
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Chic Cheap Challange-Inspirations

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter Holiday!  Our family spent a very nice quiet day togeather giving thanks that Jesus died on that cross for our sins and that he is Risen!  Thank you Jesus!

Now,  I've been looking around and thinking and I've come to the conclusion that I am just NOT happy with the state of my home!  You may not know this about me but -  I get bored really easily!  My tastes seem to change with the wind. Or at least with the season!  I've tried to go very neutral with golds and creams.  That wasn't quite working for we I added crimson reds, rust, & chocolate browns to the picture.  Guess what?  That's not really working for me either!  I've fallen in love with all the white that seems to have taken over blogland BUT I'm afaid I will not fully luv that either!  To be honest, I really don't even know what my decor tastes are!

What' a girl to do everytime her whims take over? Cheap Chic ChallengeI've decided I need to reuse, repaint, repurpose and thrift my little heart silly...(that's what I've been doing, but I haven't had a plan)  SO that's where my personal challenge comes in.  I need to redo almost every area of my home on a dime... ok, well on a few dimes but I need that plan!  Follow along with me as I challange myself to Re-Create Sminkey style!  I don't know how long we will be on this journey or if we will ever get there...but let's go!  So to start I'll share a few things that really get my decorating bug inspired!
The canvas slip cover craze!  Not sure about the white or cream color...I luv it but not sure how well it will hold up to my demolition crew here.  Guess I can get the sewing machine warmed up...they are washable right?

Lovin the chunkiness of the coffe table from PB too, just not sure if I like the wood tone...this may need to be a shade of distressed white!  Good bit of storage under the table top, no wastin' space here!  I've already got this one covered...for $25! Show you tomorrow!


Mercury Glass- 

need I say more?  

How about these new drum shades from good old PB?  I like that they are neutral with lots of texture.

These should be pretty easy to replicate...what do you think?
My wheels are already turning.

I want to thank Pottery Barn and it's designers & buyers for all of the drool inducing photos featured here tonight!  One of my fav inspiration destinations!  I have the PB on the Brain tonight, can't you tell?  That about sums up the changes needed in the living room...I'll share more chic cheap inspiration challenges with you tomorrow, so come back by...we can have tea.

Oh, I wanted to share another thing I'm obsessed with right now...


Any Style

Any color

For every room...both inside & out!  I must get lots of lanterns!

So I leave you tonight with a teaser of good news...I won't tell you!
You'll have to head over here to My Girlish Whims find out what the good news is.  Rebecca has some news and a giveaway coming up for you!  Go ahead over...she's newly engaged...congratulate her!

I will tell you it involves this!


  1. Aw thanks for the shout out Kim!! I'm excited for Tuesday :)

  2. I stopped by via My girlish whims great blog!

  3. Hey! My Girlish Whims sent me!


  4. I love lanterns too!! Stopping by from girlish whims :)

  5. I want to put a clutter of lanterns on my deck ceiling for the summer...just need to collect some.


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