
Friday, April 8, 2011

Cheap Vinyl & a Sneekie Peek

Wow!  What a few days...I'm back this morning with a quick sneak peak at a little something I've been working on!  I also wanted to share a little project in my dining room that was oh so cheap and easy!

At a recent trip to my local Christmas Tree Shops, I found these little babies.  Now, I don't own a vinyl cutter (yet) so I was so happy to find these Inspirational Wall Decal beauties for... wait for it....ready?

                                          $1.29 each!

Really?  Only $1.29 each... I've priced wall decals in Michaels, Joann's and even Walmart... $1.29?  NO WAY!  My only regret is I didn't buy more!
Now, where to put one?
Right, that really ugly space about the dining room doorway... so so very drab!


Now, don't look at the really ugly drop ceiling, it's a rental and some things cannot be changed.  Also, the curtains in the living room will be coming we speak...ripping them off the wall. Honetly they have been replaced with some light white cotton ones since the photo was taken.  But I digress...

Now, I simply opened the package with the Live, Laugh, Love decals, scaled a chair (and prayed I wouldn't fall), peeled from the paper and STUCK!  Simple & oh so easy!

Just a little pick me up...and reminder for the family each time they pass through this tiny little house.  Now the only thing that bothers me is that the cut edges are somewhat visible. (especially in this photo)  I think I may take them down and hand trim each decal close to the lettering so that you cannot see that. 
Now,  I have lots & lots of projects in the works to share with you. 
So for a few sneak peeks at what's coming this weekend...

This is really so super cute and easy to do... an Easter painted decor project...  don't worry, I'm going to show you how!
And wait til you see what I'm going to do with these Thrift store find sweaters... Who can pass up cheap sweaters from the Thrift store which were also 70 % off?


Thanks for coming back to visit me.  It really means alot!  So many of you inspire me to get the creative juices flowin'.  I'd luv to hear from you, so be sure to comment so I know you've been here! 

I'd luv to see your smiling face over at there as a follower too!  I always follow back ;)

While your out blog hoppin' be sure to stop on over to the DIY club and checkout this great givaway featuring a beautiful Etsy shop by:

Shop Owner Missy, creates this wonderfully girly faux cakes & cupcakes.

Don't they look absolutely delish?

Head on over here to get more details

Post edited for giveaway


  1. Thanks for your sweet words about my cupcakes! :) I like your word wall...I love vinyl! :)
    Good luck in the contest!
    My Cottage Charm

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