
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving Blessings!

Where has time gone and where the heck have I been?

This will be mighty quick today, but I wanted to pop in and let you all know I haven't stopped thinking of you every single day...

On October 10th, my husband was diagnosed with a golf ball sized tumor in his brain above his left ear and another 2 inch mass in his right lung.  During my absence from blogging he underwent a very scary Craniotomy to have the brain tumor removed.  He has been diagnosed with Stage IV cancer and will undergo radiation therapy to hopefully zap anything left in the brain, them chemo for the lung mass which is inoperable. 

Our family is beginning to regroup but would still benefit from your continued prayers.  I'm not sure when I will get back to blogging but I'm hoping to very soon... I need some normalcy back in my routine other than Doctor visits. 

Love and Blessings !  

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