
Monday, January 30, 2012

Who's calling please?

The kids have been practicing very hard for the Variety Show coming up this weekend.  I'm still trying to come up with quick and easy items to create for some stage decor which 'scream' 1980's.  Remember, I am it when it comes to the stage props... talk about a wee bit of stress!  Anyhow, while waiting in line at the post office today to send a few orders out I found myself staring at the wall of priority boxes ... and had an idea [well 2 but we'll save one for another time]. 

The shape of the box reminded me of the great big old Cell phones when they first made the scene in the 80's.  I could picture it in my head, with great big old neon buttons.  I grabbed 2 boxes from the wall for my crafting pleasure.  Heck, they are going to save me a trip around town from store to store looking for empty boxes to use. 

Postal Box Before

Now I must say I wouldn't make a habit out of taking postal boxes for my crafting pleasure [they charge an arm and a leg just to send a package now and I wouldn't want to be the cause of raising prices any further] but for today, it served a purpose and it's been a rough couple of weeks!

After assembly, one of the boxes received a nice coat of seal gray paint.  And the fun began.  I want the props to be big and fun for the show not exactly realistic!  The kids had tons of fun passing this around the living room asking each other is they needed to make a phone call.

Postal Box After

Alexis was laughing and saying over and over, 'Who's calling please?'  But she wouldn't let me post her photo here because she was having a bad hair day!  Imagine that... Boom is growing up!

I cannot wait for the show this weekend!

Linking up here:
Tuesdays Photobucket>Tip Junkie handmade projectsTodays Creative Blog Wednesdays lil luna link party button Thursdays PhotobucketPhotobucket Fridays Photobucket Saturday & Sunday Link PartyFunky Junk's Sat Nite SpecialCherished Treasures”=UndertheTableandDreamingBWS tips button

My Memories Winner!

Happy Monday everyone!  Wanted to pop in real quick like and announce the winner of the My Memories Suite Scrapbook Software from

The winning comment was #2:

AnonymousKay W. said...
Love your FB page. Liked you there. And visited MyMemoriesSuite webpage. The 'Winter Rouge' kit is wonderful with it lovely red/grey/black theme. Can see it used for many themes.

Congrats Kay, I will contact you shortly with the info you need to download your software!

Thanks to all who entered!  Don't worry though, you can still get this fabulous software at a discount by using the exclusive Tiaras and Bowties coupon code!


{go ahead, share it with your family & friends too!}

By using this code at, you can get $10 off My Memories Suite
 (you get it for $29.95 instead of $39.95)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Flashback to the 80's

I've been given 10 days {well really 8 3/4 days} to prepare the set for Awesome's elementary Variety Show.  In the beginning of the year, I offered to help with set prep and design 'cause that's what I like to do... paint, decorate, and basically step out on the limb for my kids!  I was given the go ahead this past Tuesday to 'have at it'!  Apparently, no one else volunteered to help... so I get to the whole darn thing!

Which, to be quite honest, scares the CRAPola outta ME!

Yes, yes I know... it's elementary school not Hollywood, but I want it to look nice!

So I've been wracking my brain for all things 80's and painting like a fool in between about a ton of other things going on!  I remember roller skating my life away back then... wearing crazy colorful neon clothing and BIG hair!  So I just finished this,

At the suggestion of another Mom, the movie Ghost Busters was big back then, so I sketched this from an old movie poster,

Finished late last night...

So, I have until next Friday to complete some more props for the big show!  I have some more ideas BUT I need your input!  What images come to your mind when you Flash Back to the 80's ?

Don't forget to pop over here and enter to win the Giveaway for a My Memories Suite Digital Software package!

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Tuesdays Photobucket>Tip Junkie handmade projectsTodays Creative Blog Wednesdays lil luna link party button Thursdays PhotobucketPhotobucket Fridays Photobucket Saturday & Sunday Link PartyFunky Junk's Sat Nite SpecialCherished Treasures”=UndertheTableandDreamingBWS tips button